Is Allegiant Airlines Safe?

Is Allegiant Airlines Safe

In the past few years, Allegiant Airlines has faced criticism over its ignorance towards safety measures and flight maintenance. So it’s valid that passengers question, Is Allegiant Airlines Safe? And How safe is Allegiant Airlines?

Starting the post with the answer to your question, yes, Allegiant Airlines is safe. Details regarding safety and security of Allegiant Airlines will be shared further.

FAA Certified Airlines

Founded in the year 1997, Allegiant like every other active airlines in the United States, has successfully passed all the safety rules and regulations set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Overall the airlines is considered safe, and undergoes regular inspections by FAA and other airlines authorities.

How safe is Allegiant Airlines?

No Airlines is accident prone and fully risk free, Allegiant in the past years had some incidents and accidentsdue to its negligence. So, it faced criticism and penalty implemented by FAA.

The airlines was investigated by FAA a couple of times due to some incidents.

  1. 2015, the airlines had consecutive incidents, from mid air breakdown to emergency landing to disrupted take offs and mechanical breakdowns. This led toa FAA investigation into the airlines safety practices.
  2. In 2018, the airlines was again investigated due to fire breaking out in in one of the cargos of an Allegiant flight.
  3. Allegiant Airlines McDonnell DouglasMD-80 aircrafts were completely replaced by Airbus.

But despite these incidents, Allegiant Air worked on its safety issues and has a good safety record.

Is Allegiant Airlines Safe In 2023?

As stated above Allegiant worked on its safety issue and is now considered a safe and cheap option to air travel. The airlines follow all the important safety measures and regulations set by the FAA and other Aviation authorities.

The airlines now operate some of the best and up graded aircraft models. With brilliant mechanical safety records.


In the year 2023, despite all the past investigation and incident Allegiant Airlines is considered a safe and reliable option to fly. The airlines has worked on its safety measure and continues to upgrade it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Allegiant cancel a lot of flights?

No, Allegiant has a good record when it comes to delays and cancelation.

Is Allegiant a 3 star airline?

Yes, Allegiant is a certified 3 star carrier.

What is Allegiant Airlines known for?

Allegiant Airlines is known for its affordable and convenient air travel services.

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