Travel Savvy Mom Blog

Travel Savvy Mom Blog

A family vacation can be a very exhausting task, especially if you’re travelling with your kids. From finding the right destination to kid friendly activities. Travel savvy mom blog is a place where you can find tips and tricks, experience and advises to make your trip fun, safe and pocket friendly.

Travel Savvy Mom Blog: Tips and Tricks

Here are some of the highly advisable tips to follow before going on a vacation with your family.

Plan you trip in advance : The first step for vacation should be choose the right destination for your kids and family. Then plan your dates in advance, this is helpful in two ways, first you can get bunch of offers and discounts from being early. Second you have time to do proper research for a pleasant experience.

Travel Savvy Mom Blog - Plan you trip

Do Not Over pack : When travelling with your family make sure to keep only the necessary stuff and essentials you will need on your trip. Do not try to keep everything as it will create unwanted mess.

Be Prepared For Anything : Travelling with children will bring many unexpected events and situations. You need to prepare yourself both mentally and physically to adapt and then react. Spontaneous reactions can ruin the mood and trip. So, always keep in mind things might not go as planned but your ultimate goal is fun and happiness.

Do A Proper Research : Family vacations involves a lot of research and planning. From fun and interesting activities that kid will enjoy to appropriate kid friendly places. You need to plan this prior to trip to avoid last minute dissatisfaction.

Prioritize Health And Safety : Always make sure to keep your health and your babies health at first. Pack all the necessary medications and Band-Aid in case of any emergency. If you are unsure about certain activities, avoid it. It’s not advisable to take risk when your baby is involved.

Travel Savvy Mom Blog - Prioritize Health And Safety

These are some of the tips and tricks you are advised as a travel savvy mom.

Dos and Don’ts As A Travel Mom

These are some of the do’s and don’ts recommended in this travel savvy mom blog that you can keep in mind before planning a vacation with family.

Decide A Budget

As a mom you want your kid to experience everything, but does this mean you’ll have to sacrifice your pocket? No. You need to plan things beforehand. Decide your budget with your partner and then choose the right destination. You can choose hotels and accommodation  depending on the money you want to spend.

Do not forget it is your money and you choose to spend in it any way you want. Select the right places you want to visit, and activities you want your kid to experience. Always, remember it is in your hand to spend the money.

Do Not Leave Things For Last Minute

Always remember vacations are very hectic and stressful. It has a very high possibility that you might forget important things last minute. So, pack your bags early. Make a list of the necessary amenities you want.

Also don’t wait for last minute bookings. Air travel is always unpredictable. Book your tickets in advance to enjoy discounts and deals.

Lastly, Discuss safety with you kid

Kids are meant to be notorious. It is your responsibility to guide them and teach them the right direction. Discuss the necessary safety measures with your child such as don’t interact with a stranger. Be with your parents in a crowded place. Don’t take anything from a stranger. Always accompany your parents.

Travel Savvy Mom Blog - Lastly, Discuss safety with you kid.jpg

These are some of the do’s and don’ts as a travel savvy mom that you must keep in mind.

Recommended Travel Savvy Mom Blogs

Travel Savvy Mom blogs are a great source of advise to parents you lack experience in travelling with your kids. They suggest tried and tested tips and also share there honest experience.

These are some of the highly recommended travel savvy mom blog:

Adventure Mom

A blog run by Nedra McDaniel. She is a well experienced mom who has travelled with her two kids. An inspiration to all the moms out there who think there life is boring or basic. She encourages her audience to try new things and adventure.

Travel Hacking Mom

A travel savvy mom blog run by three different women. Each  has their own unique ideas for a budget friendly, affordable vacation. They share their experience as mom who travel with their kids, no to worry about money. As there are many ways to enjoy everything in a low cost, if your have the right knowledge.

ThriftyTravel Mama

A Mom with a love for travel. She explores various places and food with her kids and husband. Both as a hobby and passion. Also, gives you tried and tested ideas for a fun trip.

Have Baby Will Travel

A blog directed towards all the parents who want to travel with their kids. They share tips such as destinations, travelling, activities for kids etc. They try to help all the parents out therewith toddler friendly advices.

Mommy Travels

Again a brilliant travel savvy mom blog, there are tips and tricks, advises and experience that you can follow. Every detail from destination to food to hotel to packing list is shared. That you can take advise from.

Remember these are not the only blog available on the internet. There are plenty other travel savvy mom blog you can follow depending on your interest and content they share.

A Final Discussion

To conclude the blog, A travel savvy mom blog is a place where you can find details and advises from experienced moms and parents regarding their vacation with kids. If you want to travel with your kid in future it is highly advisable to go through some blogs just once in order to have an idea. Remember travelling with kids involves a lot of unpredictability so, be ready for events and situations you did not expect. But remember enjoy to the fullest and make memories that will last forever.

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